The Loved Unknown

I love whom I know 

I love how much of them I know

I don’t know all of them

I may never will

But can I love them

If only the part I know

And that part will be enough

That part will radiate the love to the unknown parts

Then the whole of them will be loved by me

I am unknown

But not all of me is unknown 

That which is known can be loved

That which is unknown and may always be unknown will wait to be loved

The known that is loved

Will radiate that love to the unknown 

And then all of me will be loved

© Ruby Neumann

Poet's Note:  Written March 31, 2023 

Part of me was loved today by my neighbour.  She doesn't know most of me, but she brought over some tulips for me to enjoy, because she was going away for the weekend and she wanted them to be enjoyed.  

Now in my own space... these tulips can reach into the parts of me that are unknown to my neighbour.  Therefore... I am loved wholly in a simple gesture of a gift of flowers in March.  She doesn't know just how much I've been missing flowers and can't wait until the snow melts and the ground thaws and the garden becomes a place I can hang out in again.  These tulips give me hope.