When Love Drives Out Fear

When fear drives out love 

Our world stands divided 

When fear drives out love

Hope seems lost 

When people choose fear

No one sees beauty 

No one knows grace

When fear drives out love 

But when  Love drives out fear 

The poor don’t go hungry 

When Love drives out fear

Hatred can’t breathe 

When Love is the wind 

Hope again blows near

The world is worth saving 

When Love drives out fear

When fear drives out love

Sisters stop their singing 

When fear drives out Love 

Brothers go to war

When families choose fear

No one seeks truth

Shame robs our joy

When fear drives out love 

But when Love drives out fear

Mothers embrace 

When Love drives out fear

Fathers forgive 

When Love is the source

Truth is not lost

Joy will be found

When Love drives out fear

Families will find faith

Each heart will know peace

When Love and only LOVE drives out Fear

© Ruby Neumann

Poet's Note:  I wrote this at 3:00 in the morning on February 11, 2022.  It's February... the month of love so I'm told.  It's three days before Valentine's Day.  Why not be thinking about love.  

For two years, I have had this message lining every fibre of my being.  Fear drives out Love.... reality... Love drives out fear... what needs to happen for the long term good of everyone in our families and everyone in the world.  This morning, I put words to the message.  Maybe it will find a melody in time and then it becomes a song... but for now, it is beautiful as a poem.   The picture I chose is of my cats Sofie and Twinkel, curled up together in the shape of a heart.  But more than just the shape of their bodies, their spirit and energy shows what it looks like When Love Drives out Fear.