But I am a 4

If I could be a 5

I would have a library of all the books I want to read

I would never be exhausted with my learning

I would feel safe in my withdrawing

I wouldn't be a slave to emotion

If I could be a 6

I would be faithful

I would be committed to a local church

I would play it safe

I wouldn't be a shit disturber

If I could be a 7

I would travel a lot 

I would be happy 

I would dance more

I wouldn't dwell in my sadness

If I could be an 8

I would stand up for myself

I would have an opinion

I would initiate more conversations

I wouldn't be weak

If I could be a 9

I would soak in serenity

I would love everyone

I would listen a lot 

I wouldn't be so judgmental

If I could be a 1

I would have a clean house

I would be able to make fast decisions

I would do what needs to get done

I wouldn't be so disorganized 

If I could be a 2

I would give more

I would share more

I would help more

I wouldn't be afraid to love

If I could be a 3

I would be motivated 

I would be energized

I would finish my projects

I wouldn't waste time

But I am a 4

And I am longing 

Not always seeing 

That I can have the very thing

That I envy

© Ruby Neumann

Written September 19, 2020.  

Poet's Note: My first Enneagram Poem

 I have been told over and over again, by more than one Enneagram teacher that "You have a type, you are not your type".  I believe that, and embrace that… but this is poetry so I will claim the 4's favourite figure of speech and tell you it's a metaphor.  

2020 has been my year to discover the Enneagram.  I am learning every day the intricacies of this ancient, complex map to the True Self.  I enjoy the teaching in videos, books and podcasts.  I like hearing how the Enneagram is helping people on their life's journey, in their marriages and with their spirituality.  I am thankful for the insight, inspiration, enlightenment and community that this journey has brought.

Also please note that this poem expresses what I would do if I was each of the numbers.  This is what I find attractive about the types and what I admire about them.  I'm a 4… remember.. it's all about me!!!! (And if you don't know the Enneagram, you will probably miss that reference.)