The Unpraying Poet

I'm a poet, an honest poet and I need to say

That I'm a poet, a poet that cannot pray

The words I have are not for above

But the words I have are still filled with love

Words of beauty, words so true

Words of wisdom, words for you

Years have past, since I could pray

But I still would like to send hope your way

What hope can I give, what thoughts can I share 

To tell you I love you, to remind you I care

You've shared your struggles, your aches and your pain

Hoping I can send prayers to God again

But those days are done, those years are through

When prayer was a thing I could do

I'd rather be honest, than a hypocrite

It's not "I don't want to", I just don't believe it

I don't believe a lot of things, that much is real

But all that is irrelevant to what I now feel

I feel like I want to give you some love

In the words of a poem, and one day, a hug

No words can express my compassion for you

My heart breaks for what you are going through

Am I less of a friend because I can't pray

Or can I still send some hope and love your way

© Ruby Neumann

Poet's note: 

Written: May 23, 2020  

Poetry has a way of bringing out the truth that the poet would rather remain hidden.  And why is there a temptation to hide the truth.  Fear… a lot of fear… The fear of being known, the fear of being revealed, the fear of falling short, the fear of not measuring up, the fear of being week... 

But I have a greater fear… the fear of being a hypocrite.  That fear drives me to uncover a simple truth… the truth revealed in this poem.  This is not the first time I have revealed this truth, but after another prayer request came through today, I felt that I needed to reveal it again.  

I have no defence, only confession.  I don't need converting, I don't need fixing, I only need understanding and love.