The Cry of my Human Heart

I want the freedom
I want the freedom to choose
I want the freedom to love
I want the freedom to hide
I want the freedom to run
I want the freedom to dance
I want the freedom to sit
I want the freedom to believe 
I want the freedom to not believe
I want the freedom to embrace
I want the freedom to back off
I want the freedom to love cats
I want the freedom to love dogs
I want to freedom to be wrong
I want the freedom to be right
I want the freedom to fail
I want the freedom to succeed
I want the freedom to fall
I want the freedom to get hurt
I want the freedom to get back up 
I want the freedom to live


I want the freedom to die

I want the freedom to be different than you
I want the freedom to share my differences 

I have the freedom to be everything I am freed to be from God
Now I want that freedom from you

© Ruby Neumann

Poet's Note:
Written April 2016.  God our Creator and Compassionate Father has given us freedom to be so much, to do so many things, and to love so many people.  Where do we come off as finite and fallible humans to take that freedom away from each other.