Love is Enough

Love is Everything

Love Unites

Love Hugs

Love Laughs

Love Enriches

Love Evacuates Fear

Love Electrifies the Universe

Love Sits beside

Love Waits 

Love Asks first

Love Asks again

Love Listens

Love says "I wouldn't do that to you" 

Love says "I have many names"

Love says "I have many faces" 

Love says "I'm enough" 

© Ruby Neumann

Poets Note:  Written April 6, 2022.  I got a letter this week.  The message… "Love isn't enough".  Everything in me is struggling to hear Love tell me "I'm enough".  But those empty words still echo.  Do I shut out those voices for good?  Do I say good-bye, just because they can't hear Love whisper in their ear "I'm enough".  

All I have in me is to reach for Love.  They don't understand this.  They need me to buy into creeds and convictions.  They need me to follow rules and perform rituals.  They need me to be someone I can't be.  This leaves me feeling empty… until Love whispers in my own ear… "I'm enough."