The Nightmare of Christmas

Twas the Nightmare of Christmas

In the year 2020

When the Grinch of all grinches 

Deceived humanity

He didn't need to sneak in 

The dead of the night

Robbing Christmas got easier

When Covid took flight

Instead of heisting the turkey 

And making off with each toy

He just spread a little fear

And he made off with their joy

People lined up at the post office

Their gifts to mail

And stayed home alone 

In their domestic jail

They accepted their doom 

And didn't complain

All they said in response

"We are just being safe."

"Where are you, Christmas?"

No one's asking that now

They think it will be back 

In '21 somehow

The Grinch said with pleasure

"What a rewarding day"

I didn't have to steal Christmas  

They just gave it away"

© Ruby Neumann

Poet's Note: Written December 15, 2020... ten days before the worst Christmas for a lot of people.  

January 6, 2021... I want to add something to my Poet's note.  This is poetry, my expression of my frustration.  I understand how polarizing our planet is right now, and I'm not trying to pick a fight.  All year my sadness at the rampant fear has been no secret.  I am pretty clueless to the reality of this whole thing right now... all I have is what others are telling me to believe... and for someone who struggles with believing in God, not believing in the thousands of interpretations of the Covid crisis is not a big stretch for me.  

I want to believe in Love.  Love is the only thing that has made a transformative difference in my life.  So when I look at the year we've had and seen Love take a back seat to Fear... then I will write authentic poetry.  

Christmas is gone, over, maybe we can hope that, like in the book, the "Grinch" will have a change of heart and will be "carving up the roast beast" in 2021.  I think I have enough hope for that.