

I would rather die than embrace you

You are not my addiction

I owe you nothing


I would rather face my non existence

Than walk on your beaches 

Or swim in your ocean


Even if my friends will follow you

I would rather walk away from them


Than join your procession

© Ruby Neumann

Poet's Note: Written July 4, 2020

As I peruse my unpublished works... I am compelled to bring a few of them to the blog.  Not because I believe anyone will read them here, but because I have a desire in my heart and soul to be known and be authentic.  So it is poems like this one that in this time and space in history, need to be written, shared and understood.  My biggest passion these days is this...

"Perfect Love drives out Fear!"...

but we are living a world where "Perverse Fear is driving out Love"... 

This is wrong... this is very wrong.