Thank you Trees


I breathe

In and out

And I want to thank you

Your green blades that blow in the wind are more than just beauty

Your strong branches are more than a resting place for the birds

Your trunk is more than just the lumber within

Your roots carry life giving water to those leaves of life 

I breathe because you grow 

For every tree cut down

Let me plant twenty more

I want to help others to breathe easier


Thank you Willows

Thank you Cedar

Thank you Green Spruce

Thank you Blue Spruce

Thank you Lilacs

Thank you Maple

Thank you Saskatoons

Thank you Crabapple

For helping me to help others to breathe easier

© Ruby Neumann

Poet's Note: Written July 25, 2020. 

I discovered that July 25, 2020 was the day that the world is Youtubing their day for a movie called  "Life in a Day" .  Ten years ago, a movie was created by Youtubers around the world submitting video clips of their day.  Those videos were sifted through and a some were chosen for the movie.  I saw the opportunity and thought I would do a video about trees.  I wrote a poem and decided to video my trees and submit it.  BUT... I watched the 2011 movie and decided that I would just make my own movie of my poem and post it on my Youtube channel and forgo the Ridley Scott version.  It's a long story... I won't disgust you with the details.