Let me Live

Let me live
Don’t let me die
Let the love live on
Between you and I

Walk with me, talk with me
Keep me close
Remember I’m the one 
Who loved you the most

Feel me near you
Let the wind touch your skin
Remember our touch
As you breath the wind in

Our hearts are still joined
For I left mine behind
To stay with you
Til the end of your time

Close your eyes and let me
Kiss you, my dear
Get lost in your memory
I’ll be right here 

© Ruby Neumann

Poet's Note: 
This was inspired in summer of 2017.  How heartbreaking it is to see when death separates two lovers.  What remains for the one left to grieve and pick up the pieces? Memories, stuff... 
But who remains is left up to the heart's longing and the soul's imagination.