Hidden in the Stars

Earth is my home

Earth is where I drew my first breath

Where I will draw the last

Earth is filled with family

Family with two legs, four legs, many legs and no legs

Somehow are all connected 

All descended from the same stars

Like abandoned children

Longing to know their parents

They are the reason we are here

But how do I know the Stars that gave me life

When some may not even exist anymore 

What stories do they hold that are out of reach 

What truths are hidden in the gaseous temperatures of their existence

They hide themselves from me when I’m awake

They come out and play when I’m asleep

Maybe someone has answers for all my questions

But no one can give me truth

Truth does not dwell on Earth

Truth is hidden in the Stars 

© Ruby Neumann 

Poet's Note: Written June 27, 2024

It was Rob Bell who introduced me to the idea that "I am stardust".  Neil Degrasse Tyson confirms Rob Bell's story.  So I like to believe it.  That's right... believe it!  I have no access to what so many feel like they do have access to... "Truth".  Am I so bold to state it here that I don't believe we have access to anything so foundational as the "truth".  We have our perceptions, opinions, beliefs, imaginings understandings... but who really has the truth?  I would like to imagine that there is truth... but it is hidden in the very stars that gave us life.  It's inaccessible... beyond everything we can reach.  That is amazing and worth celebrating.  No one has it all together... we are little creatures trying to do our best to understand... we can't even come close.