The Poet's Bio

I am a poet today, but I am and we are people
 not needing any other labels
 for labels will only divide

Poetry is the soul's language
 speaking truth that won't be uttered at the family dinner table
 or around the water cooler at work

We are the creation of an Alive and Adoring God
 but we are also a product influenced and moulded by our time and culture
It is my dream and my hope and a promise that I would be freed
 from the second and be embraced by the first

© Ruby Neumann

Poet's Note:  Today is April 28, 2019.  I am scheduled to share some of my poetry at the Edmonton Poetry Festival.  I wrote this today to "define" impossible task at best, but I made the effort.  Any photo shared to "define" me, needs to have water in it and moving water with the light's reflection on the ripples of the surface. And see not scum floating on top, but seeds spread on the surface of the water with the hope that one day some will find a home downstream and then give life to a beautiful array of wildflowers.  This is a picture of me.